Last Friday, the clash designer Jules and myself trekked east side for:

Co-ordinated by
E:vent and supported by the
arts council, this multi-floor galery exhibits some of the most cutting edge contempory art... Mixing graphic design, architecture and sonic exploration... This event showcases different work until April 28th. A place well-worth visiting if you have an hour to spare... It's located on
96 Teesdale street, E2 6PU.
MAP. Check the website for opening days and times.
Threshold provides a platform for the exploration of contemporarysound art, and examines the areas of practice that intersect witharchitecture – the programme is looking specifically at the relationshipbetween sound and space (physical, structural, virtual, animated,performative and technological.) A conceptual thread will be setaround ideas of: threshold; topology; landscape; and borders.
On the night, in the beautiful loft where many of these artists live, there was a live minimal techno set from
netlabel collective. Upfront and intelligent electronic music of today freely distributed on the internet. The place was packed and we had a rocking time enjoying a vibe we don't usually deal with... Not just noise and bang bang, but a varied collection of beats and mind-opening melodies; music to have a drink to, dance to and definitely enjoy the space around you... It was a proper rave in someone's living room,
I swear!.
Details here 
One display we particularly enjoyed was the
Cityscan by HFRlabs. Good news you can check an extract now by visiting the
Cityscan website.
The project aims to generate a visual metaphor that produces new correspondences between sound and vision. Generating an intricate layering of cityscapes that scroll and flicker on time with the music, Cityscan becomes an audio-visual pattern where the rhythm achieved is a metaphor of the rhythm of the city itself." is their description. The display involved two TVs on different settings, with city and green landscapes scrolling vertically in synchrony with some urban electro beats. It was the first thing that got us locked in...
It was also the last expo from the
VTO gallery, who were resident at this venue until this closing party... One piece on show that really got us going was a flat screen displaying what seemed as an owl perched in a tree in a Tolkien-like background. If you only had 5 seconds of your time, it just looked like a digital image. But as you stayed a bit further staring at the frame, the owl began to look more and more animated, staring and nodding at your thoughts... With time, it started to look more like having the eyes of a Lion, with a mustache... and eventually, you had Father Christmas looking and frowning at you!.. must be witnessed to be felt, but definitely a interesting use of digital technologies... It was hilarious just to see people reaction in front of it!! Much of this work is going in an auction to be held soon, I'm starting to contemplate buying my first piece of "
contempory art"...
Whatch out for more exciting material to be presented there as part of
Threshold's residency at
E:vent in April..
During April Threshold will focus on an experimentalresidency: a group of sound artists will work with students from theArchitectural Association to create a site-specific sound/architectureinstallation in E:vent Gallery. The Threshold season will come to areverberating finale with a presentation of the work produced in theresidency and a coinciding evening of live performances by renownedsound artists and musicians.This E:vent is also accompanied by discussions on
resonance fm on Thursdays 7-8pm. Next one will be feedback session on the event, on thursday 28th April.
More electro arty things in south london soon... check
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